Friday 28 June 2019

Two-day Orientation Programme for BSW &MSW students

Day 1: A two-day orientation programme for Social Work students was organised by the Department of Social Work in St Joseph’s College (Autonomous) on the 13thand 14thof June, 2019. The first day of the programme began with a prayer song by students from IIIrdBSW followed by the welcome address by the Head of the Department, Lt. Akshay D. Mandlik.He welcomed all the students and faculty members to the new academic year, especially the new comers (IstBSWs and IstMSWs) and three new faculty members. He also informed the gathering that Dr. Alan Godfreywould now be serving as the PG-Coordinator. 
Post the introduction, Prof. Kiran Jeevan, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, highlighted the history of Department of Social Work, which was established in the year 2005, under the inspiring guidance of former Principal of the college- Fr. Dr. Ambrose Pinto. A detailed introduction on the various areas of expertise of the faculty members was then given by Dr. Godfrey.
Post the session by Dr. Godfrey, icebreakers were conducted by Dr. Mary Princess Lavanya andProf. Latha Paul, Assistant Professors, Department of Social Work,in order to facilitate improved interaction among the students in the Department. Post lunch, Dr. Godfrey conducted a session on paper presentation The orientation session on field work and its associated components were discussed by Fr. Dr. Augustine Lourdu, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work. In his session, Fr. Dr. Augustine focused on the objectives of field work, the technique of applying Social Work theories in the field, helping students to identify, plan, and implement Social Work intervention, and so on. Dr. Augustine also took the students through the new field work policy. The first day of the programme concluded at 4 PM.

Day 2: The second day of the orientation programme began with separate sessions for the BSW and MSW students. The MSW students gathered in Loyola hall of the Auditorium Block where Prof. Viola Noronha,Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, handled a session on the prescribed formats for reporting methods of Social Work such as Case Work, Group Work, and Community Programme. Post this session, Prof. Kiran Jeevanexplained the prescribed format for field work reporting. He also encouraged the IIndMSW students to share their experiences in field work.
The second session of the day took place in Xavier’s hall of the PG block. Students gathered in the hall at 2.30 PM. The Department had invited Mr. Manohar from CARE,to animate a discussion on addressing important social issues and dangerous social evils in the country. Mr. Manohar is a renowned social activist and scholar who has also worked with SICHREM and PUCL in the past. He began the session by reiterating the need for young people to come together and start raising their voice against the various forms of human rights violations. Apart from this, he addressed an array of social issues such as the plight of members of the LGBTQ community, the practice of honour killings, prevalence of domestic violence at home and sexual harassment at the workplace. Students were divided into 15 groups with each group being assigned with one case study. The case studies were then presented by a representative of each group followed by a discussion. With that, the two-day orientation programme concluded. Fr. Dr. Augustine Lourdu thanked Mr. Manohar for spending his valuable time with the students.

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