Friday 19 June 2020

Helping the Helpless during Lockdown

At this juncture, when the world is at a standstill, the Department of Social Work has out done itself, with students of both MSW and BSW, along faculty members spending about two months in ensuring that food and necessary kits were provided to the marginalised, the daily wage workers, as well as the migrants in Bengaluru city. The student volunteers of the Department under the leadership of the Head of the Department, Lt. Akshay D Mandlik and Dr. Fr. Augustine Lourdu, Assistant Professor, in collaboration with the college and COVID Relief Bangalore, were able to distribute a whopping 85,000 kits to those in need in around Bengaluru. Furthermore, the Department created a biker relief team for this purpose as well.

"As the Head of the Department, I am happy to inform that during this global crisis, the students were able to provide selfless services when it mattered the most. It was a satisfying experience to be a part of it all"- Lt. Akshay D. Mandlik, Head of the Department.

"As a volunteer, I felt the human touch of compassion to see people willing to help out. The pandemic has brought out the deepest fears as well as the best of humanity. In fact, COVID-19 has taught a lesson to humanity on how to be human."- Dr. Fr. Augustine Lourdu, Assistant Professor.

“When the going gets tough, the tough get going." I"personally feel that to come together at such times of hardships for our fellow brothers and sisters in need, is what humanity is all about".
-Rohit Rajiv, IInd MSW

"Getting to work as a volunteer for society is a responsible task and an honor. Whatever I have, is from this land, so I think it's my moral obligation to give back to society."
-Pankaj Lakhi Pradhan, II MSW

"The experience gained out of this relief activity will make me stronger as a person and will continue to motivate me to work for the people."
-N Tejhashwin, IIIrd BSW

"Helping the marginalised and vulnerable people in society during this time of hardship and working directly in the field with different types of communities along with the mentor helped me apply theory into practice."
-S. Arun Kumar, IIIrd BSW

"Being able to support the people in this unfortunate situation, even in a small way, provides great satisfaction. As a social work student, I think that experiencing the harsh reality and working for the people, is what we study social work for."
-L Hriizhiikho Mao, IInd MSW

"To be a part of such an effort has really helped me understand the harsh realities of the society we live in and its prevailing conditions. It has been a great learning process."
-Khushveer Singh IInd BSW

"We are here to combat fears by helping our dears during such crisis! Such an opportunity to serve was incredible." 
-Suraj SK, IInd BSW

"No one is useless in this world. Everyone can lighten the burden of others."
-Pranish PB, IInd BSW

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