Tuesday 4 May 2021

Alumni lecture series: Social Work and Job opportunities in North East

 The fifth session of Social Work Students Association (SWSA) -Alumni lecture series was held on 30th of April, 2021. The lecture was started by Emcee Ms.Cinthia from IIIBSW . Ms. Merlin from IIIBSW led the session in  prayer .The alumni guest Ms.Lucky Nora  Tmung (District Community Mobilizer Coordination SSA-SEMAM, Department of Eduction ) highlighted on ways to be adaptive in a new working environment and also shared her own experience while working in Sarva Siksha Abiyan- Flagship programme of Right to Education and also her intervention mainly focusing on school dropouts , inclusive education, community mobilization etc. The speaker highlighted the bright side of her experience in working and how each one of us can be an agent of change. Her presentation was very realistic and students were able to get a deep understanding of social work as a profession in field. After her presentation she willingly answered the questions asked by the students and the session was moderated by Upasana from 3rd BSW. Dr. Ramagokula Krishnan, Assistant professor, School of Social Work gave the concluding remarks to the session. Kashvi Srivastav from 1BS

W gave the vote of thanks.

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