Wednesday 2 June 2021

Heroes Speak- Lt. Akshay & Nicole on their Service to the Departed

The second wave of covid-19 has hit India the hardest. In these dark times, two brave people- one, a student and the other, the Head of the School of Social Work, have been working tirelessly over several weeks to help provide a dignified burial to those who have become the victims of this deadly virus. There have been numerous articles covered by both national and international media on the efforts of these brave individuals. Now, let us hear from the heroes themselves, in their own words.

Nicole (BSW student): "I began working at the cemetery after seeing my dad who had already been working there along with a friend of mine. My friend told me that there was help required as there were simply too many bodies being brought to the cemetery. At that time, there were about 25 bodies being brought in a single day. I realised the seriousness of the situation and so me and three of my cousins decided to go help out."

"In the first few days, I was able to hold my composure due to my training as a social work student. However, at times, I found it very emotionally and physically straining to bury the bodies, and as a result, I had to take a few days off in between as well." 

"Even now, after so many days of working at the cemetery, I still hear the sounds of the families crying and they don't go away. However, I feel that the work that we are doing is filled with goodness. This has been my primary motivation. My family has been very supportive throughout this and I intend to keep working. That's just simply how I am. I have been raised to do good and to give to those who do not have as I have been given so much."

Lt. Akshay D Mandlik (HoD, School of Social Work): "I began working in the graveyard when I heard about some of my old students working there. This motivated me to go there and help them out. I did think about it initially as this was during the height of the second wave and safety was a concern, but I went ahead as I believe service is one of the highest virtues for a social worker. Luckily, my classes were coming to an end and I called my old student who welcomed my decision to join and help out. 

"When I saw the first body being brought, I was a bit hesitant but with time, I became more comfortable. I believe that motivation emerges from the mind and the heart, and having a defence force background has always inspired me to believe that service must be at the forefront of all our endeavours. I also took all the necessary precautions such as wearing a PPE kit and consuming multivitamins as I believe it helps. That's about it. I am glad to have been a part of it all. To me, it was an opportunity to serve humanity and I went ahead with it."

The School of Social Work salutes these two and many other brave covid heroes from our school, from our college, and around the world as well, who are not just fighting to protect the lives of those alive but are also giving a dignified send off to those who were not fortunate enough to survive this pandemic. 

Many human beings have died due to this disaster but humanity lives on in the hearts of heroes like Nicole and Lt. Akshay. 


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