Sunday 16 January 2022

Human Rights Week Celebration – Ambedkar Memorial Lecture 2021

The Ambedkar Memorial lecture was held on 6th December 2021 through the MS Teams platform. The resource person for the lecture was Dr. Tanoj Meshram, Former Civil Servant, Social Activist and Researcher. The program started by invoking God’s blessings with a prayer song. Then, Chitra from 2nd MSW – Emcee of the program highlighted the importance of Human Rights and the significance of the Ambedkar Memorial Lecture. Dr. Mary Princess Lavanya - Associate Professor, School of Social Work welcomed the gathering. Then, the Moderator: Rev. Dr. Augustine Lourdu, Dean of School of Social Work took over the session and gave a brief introduction to the topic and the resource person. This was followed by Dr. Tanoj Meshram ’s address about Dr. Ambedkar, his early life, education, how he faced caste discrimination and untouchability in his life and how he got inspired to work towards removing discrimination. Dr. Ambedkar made a positive impact on the lives of many people who strive for a just society where all are equal with no discrimination. His ideas got incorporated into the constitution and they stand for equality, freedom, and Abolition of social evils. Dr. Ambedkar was an advocate of promoting the light of education. He also stated that Dr. Ambedkar worked towards a society where women are granted equal rights as those of men. At the end, the resource person threw light on the role of a social workers in promoting the idea of Ambedkarism, how important it is for us to take his idea forward and fight against the injustices in our society. The lecture was followed by the Q and A session where students actively participated in the discussion. Dr. Augustine then gave the concluding remarks. Janane Shree – Treasurer of SWSA delivered the vote of thanks. The session was very inspiring and enlightening. 

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