Friday 1 October 2021

Panel Discussion on Equal Pay

On the 18th of September, 2021, known as the International Equal Pay Day, the School of Social Work, in collaboration with Soroptomists Association, hosted a one hour online panel discussion on equal pay. The online panel discussion was held on Zoom and began at 3 PM. The panel discussion was moderated by the Head of the School of Social Work, Dr. Alan Godfrey. The session began with Ms. Brinada Adige’s address. Ms. Brinda is a well known civil rights activist from Global Concerns India (GCI). In her address, she laid out some important statistics that highlight the issue of unequal pay faced by women. This was followed by the address by Ms. Selza Noronha who spoke about her own struggles in securing equal pay in the corporate world. She stressed on the need to strengthen one’s negotiation skills with regard to this. This was followed by a short question and answer session and the vote of thanks. The panel discussion ended at around 4 PM. 

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