Friday 12 March 2021

Storytelling, Identity and Gender Equality in Leadership


The Social Work Students Association (SWSA) organized a talk with Mrs. Julia Benzinger who is an activist working for gender equality as well as an opera singer from Barcelona, Spain. The session was conducted on 25th February, 2021 at 4 p.m., The emcee for the event Ms. Renu Philips of 1st MSW, welcomed the speaker. After a melodious prayer song sung by Ms. Girija of 1st MSW, the moderator, Ms. Nimisha of 2nd BSW introduced the speaker and Mrs. Julia started her session.

     Mrs. Julia with her ample amount of knowledge talked about herself on what she wanted to be a scientist, discovering opera and performing in some of the most prestigious theatres around the world. She also shared about how she faced sexism on these platforms, being a mother as well as balancing art, advocacy and painting. She also conveyed the impact of storytelling and how the society views and treats them. She also shared her experience on how women were not given chances and the kind of roles provided are always the off-putting ones. She also talked about leadership and how representation and diversity in leadership is beneficial to companies, art and society.

     It was all very informative and shocking to know that this problem isn’t just in India but around the world. It was indeed a huge eye opener to all of us. After her talk, the speaker answered the questions by participants. Ms. Diya James of 1st MSW gave the vote of thanks. Mrs. Latha Paul , Assistant professor , also thanked Mrs. Julia on behalf of the department for sharing her vast knowledge on the topic.

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