Monday 5 April 2021

Documentary Screening-Cleaning the Court Room


The documentary 'Cleaning the Court Room' was screened on 24th March 2021. The programme was organised in collaboration with Kreetam Law Associates.  The programme commenced with a welcome note by Ms.Aishwarya Toppo of 1st year MSW and Shikha Swaraj the General secretary(SWSA) 1st year MSW introduced the speakers. Ms.Girija of 1st year MSW gave the  inaugural prayer . Felicitation of the guests and speakers was done by  ,Fr Victor Lobo SJ (Principal St Joseph's College). After the felicitation of guests, the documentary ‘Cleaning the Court Room’ was screened. Screening of documentary was followed by discussion involving guest speakers.  Advocate Vasanth Adithya J-Founder and managing partner of Kreetam Law Associates, Dr Akkai Padmashali, Smt. Brinda Adige, Smt. Cynthia Stephen, Smt. Kathyayini Chama raj, Smt. Gita Menon, Shri R Manohar were the significant people present . 

The speakers reflected on the ideas like, in India how the faith in the judicial system is at stake and they discussed on the acute deficit of trust in the judiciary system. The delay in delivery of justice and its drawbacks was also discussed. The speakers vouched on the technology making the statistics more accessible to the public and how e- courts are becoming prompter and well-functioning. Speakers also discussed the best practices that can be adopted to strengthen the judiciary and all the speakers unanimously agreed that the selection process of the judges in our country should be made transparent. Concluding remarks was given by Fr Victor Lobo SJ.Vote of thanks was proposed by Ms Nadia of 2nd MSW- Treasurer- SWSA

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